Sky with horizon line
Sky with horizon line

sky with horizon line sky with horizon line

This informal star pattern features a flat bottom formed by the stars Ascella on the left (east) and Kaus Australis on the right (west), a pointed spout on the right (west) marked by the star Alnasl, and a pointed lid marked by the star Kaus Borealis. Moonless August evenings are ideal for viewing the deep sky objects (indicated by the red labels) near one of the best asterisms in the sky, the Teapot-shaped stars of Sagittarius, the Archer. (Image credit: Chris Vaughan/Starry Night) Moonless skies are perfect for deep-sky observations. 12: Perseid meteor shower peak (overnight) You can estimate the temperatures of fainter stars by comparing their color to these bright reference stars. Reddish Antares, the heart of Scorpius, is an old M-class star with a low surface temperature of 3,500 K.Īfter midnight local time, look for very bright, yellowish Capella rising in the northeast. Arcturus, which is located in the western evening sky, is an orange, K-class giant star with a temperature of only 4,300 K. They have temperatures in the range of 7,500 to 10,000 Kelvins. The three bright stars of the eastern sky Summer Triangle asterism, named Deneb, Vega, and Altair, are A-class stars that appear blue-white to the eye. Stars shine with a color that is controlled by their photospheric temperature, and this is captured in their spectral classification. 5: Jupiter joins the evening sky (late night) For best results, start to watch a few minutes before each predicted time. CDT, while Psi2 will pop out from the right-hand edge of the moon at 1:10 a.m. Psi1 will emerge from behind the unlit, top edge of the moon at 12:17 a.m. In Dallas, Texas the bright, leading limb of the moon will cover the star Psi1 at 11:33 p.m. The timing varies by location so use an app like Starry Night to look up the circumstances where you live. 3, observers in much of North America can watch the bright, waning gibbous moon occult in succession the higher (more westerly) stars of the trio. All three stars are bright enough to see with your unaided eyes or in binoculars (orange circle) and backyard telescopes. The group of three stars that mark the lip of the water-bearer's tipping amphora have all been assigned the name Psi Aquarii, but astronomers use the numerals 1 to 3 to distinguish one from another.

sky with horizon line

Wednesday, Aug 2: Bright moon meets Saturn (overnight)

#Sky with horizon line full

The world will experience higher perigean tides due to this full moon's proximity to Earth. Since this full moon will occur only 9.5 hours before perigee, it will qualify as a supermoon, appearing about 7% larger and shining a bit brighter than average. The moon becomes fully illuminated when it is opposite the sun in the sky, causing full moons to rise at sunset and set at sunrise. The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) of Eastern North America call it Seskéha, the Freshness Moon. The Cree Nation of central USA and Canada calls the August full moon Ohpahowipîsim, the Flying Up Moon. The indigenous Anishinaabe people of the Great Lakes region call this moon Manoominike-giizis, the Wild Rice Moon, or Miine Giizis, the Blueberry Moon. This full moon, colloquially called the "Sturgeon Moon", "Red Moon", "Green Corn Moon", and "Grain Moon", always shines among or near the stars of Aquarius or Capricornus. The first of two full moons in August will occur on Tuesday, Aug.

Sky with horizon line